
The City of Beechwood Village is subject to the municipal codes and ordinances of Jefferson County, in addition to our own City ordinances. If you have any questions pertaining to these ordinances, please contact the city at 502.381.1038.

BMV Rental Application – Rental Ordinance

Download Rental Property Information Form


Beechwood Village Code of Ordinances

Tax Ordinance No 2 2023 – 2024 – Tax Ordinance

Budget Ordinance No 3 2023 – 2024 – Budget Ordinance

Lighting Ordinance No 1 2023-2024 – Lighting Ordinance

Criminal Nuisance Ordinance No 10, Series 2020 – Criminal Nuisance Ordinance

Solar Panel Ordinance No 3, Series 2022 – 2023


You can pay citations online at the following link: Pay Citation

*To appeal a citation email appeals@beechwoodvillage.org for more information regarding the process.*

General Appearance

The City of Beechwood Village maintains broadly-written ordinances covering appearance and maintenance standards. For example:

Storage of inoperable motor vehicles, large household items, automobile parts, junk metal or accumulated rubbish is prohibited.
Weed or grass growth higher than six inches (6″) is prohibited (including vacant lots).
City law includes enforcement provisions which permit the assessment against violating properties of the costs of compliance, in addition to fines of $5.00 to $50.00.

Additional City ordinances outline further requirements, all implemented to keep our city safe and attractive. For details please contact code@beechwoodvillage.org

Please be a good neighbor — pick up fallen leaves, don’t disturb others with loud music, and respect the residential nature of our city by removing business signs from properties in a timely fashion (residents displaying business signs too long are subject to sanctions).


The speed limit throughout the City of Beechwood Village is 25 MPH. This limit and our stop signs are strictly enforced.


The City of Beechwood Village enforces parking regulations to maintain the safety and accessibility of our streets.

Parking on City streets is prohibited between 2:00am and 6:00am.
Vehicles parked on City streets must occupy the right-hand side of the roadway (direction of traffic). Parking in front of a driveway or fire hydrant, or with any wheels off the roadway (i.e. on a lawn) is prohibited.
Vehicles parked off-street must be parked on a driveway (i.e. no parking on front or side yards).

Pets & Animals

Animal control falls under the jurisdiction of the Jefferson County Department of Animal Control and Protection. County law specifies that “all animals shall be kept under restraint at all times.”

All pets in the City of Beechwood Village must be licensed and vaccinated against rabies.
To report animal nuisances or pet control violations, contact the Jefferson County Department of Animal Control and Protection at 502.363.6609.

Please be a good neighbor — pick up and properly dispose of your pet’s waste.

Storm Drainage

Effective surface drainage following heavy rain requires neighborhood cooperation, especially since shallow drainage channels exist throughout the City.

Please take care that water channels on or adjacent to your property remain unobstructed and that street drains are kept clear.

Swimming Pools

Swimming pools are permitted in rear yards only and must provide a five-foot (5′) property line clearance.

Pools must be enclosed by a fence at least forty-eight inches (48″) tall (but no taller than six feet [6′]) with a self-latching gate. (Special regulations apply to fences taller than forty-eight inches [48″]).
Health and safety regulations apply to pool care and maintenance, and electrical safety requirements must also be met.
Pool-installation permit is required.

Zoning Regulations & Construction Permits

The maintenance of our quality community requires strict and impartial enforcement of construction laws and standards. In the City of Beechwood Village, this applies to structural additions, garages, fences, carports, driveway designs, swimming pools and central air conditioning installations.

Residential construction work is governed by City regulations and must meet the requirements of the Kentucky State Building Code. Major work may also require local approval and a county permit.
City construction letters must be secured before any project can legally proceed. First complete the property addition form, then present it to the City Council at the next scheduled meeting. If you have any questions regarding your application please contact the City of Beechwood Village City Clerk, Cherie Brewer at 502-558-2106 or via email at cherie@beechwoodvillage.org.

Don’t risk problems — check permit requirements during planning. Letters must be reviewed and approved by the City Council.

For additional zoning and construction information, visit the City of Louisville’s Land Development Code webpage.

Boats, Trailers, & RV’s

Parking or storage of trailers, RVs or boats longer than eighteen feet (18′) for a period of more than twenty-four (24) hours is prohibited.

Any resident hosting out-of-town visitors may, upon special request of the Mayor, be granted a special parking permit to allow such parking or storage for up to two (2) weeks.
Pleasure watercraft of eighteen feet (18′) or less in length, if owned by the resident and stored behind the rear building line of resident’s property, may be kept indefinitely.