Header Pipe

Final Header Pipe (Sump Pump Connections at Street) work to begin in May – June 2016

Some of the homes in Beechwood Village still discharge water via sump pumps, down spouts, extension hoses, or via other methods onto adjacent properties and city right of ways including streets. This causes issues with road deterioration, poorly directly ground water, rutting of the grass at the curbs, standing water, ice formations, and a hindrance to walkers and cyclists, as well as the overall public health and safety of our citizens. As a result, Beechwood Village is performing a final header pipe project where work will be performed to tie in certain water discharge into the header pipe. Residents impacted have been notified accordingly.

View the project map.

View Header Pipe Ordinance.

Contact Heritage Engineering for questions concern this project – Justin Spalding
Heritage Engineering, LLC
642 South Fourth Street, Suite 100, Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: (502) 562-1412
Email: jspalding@heritageeng.com
Web: www.heritageeng.com