Map of 2024 Curb project

Project Map for the 2024 Curb project

Map Image

2024 Curb Project

About 2 years ago, the Beechwood Village City received federal funds that could only be used for certain expressed projects. If the money was not allocated to one of these specific projects, it would need to be returned by the end of 2024. Of the given options, the only project that would benefit our city was to improve wastewater management through the addition of curbs.

The project started with a survey of our city streets to see where curbs would and would not be useful. After that survey, the city worked with engineers to prioritize where curbs should be placed. In addition to directing wastewater, the curbs also serve the benefit of protecting city header lines. The city spent significant money to install the header lines and repairing them has been an ongoing substantial expense. The header lines are most frequently broken when cars drive or park on them, the curbs prevent this. The 6-inch square curbs were suitable for both directing water and protecting header lines while the 4-inch rounded curbs were deemed inadequate for both purposes.

With these priorities established, the curb and paving projects were presented to the council, and the council approved them in October 2024. The monies for these projects come from the Federal Government and Kentucky State road funds. These projects needed to be approved before the end of the year to ensure the projects qualified for their respective fundings.

The proposal map shows what curbs are getting added and which streets are getting repaved in this current project along with potential future curbs. The potential future curbs currently do not have a planned or estimated start date. The council will continue to evaluate the impact of the new curbs and make future decisions based on those findings. If a future city council decided to add new curbs, the current survey work and plan map would be used to decided where curbs should be added to avoid the cost of a repeat survey.

Hopefully this addresses your concerns, we’re always grateful to see engaged citizens at our council meetings the second Tuesday of every month.